Environment, quality and
work environment

Delsbo Candle has had a certified ISO 9001 manangement system since the middle of the 1990s, when we were part of the Duni group. In 2004, we became an independent company and chose to keep the certificate as we see ISO 9001 as a good tool for structured quality work.

Our candles are RAL certified and thereby regularly tested at the DEKRA lab in Germany. (These tests have always been approved.) 

We follow the requirements of the European standards EN 15426 (Specification for sooting behaviour), 15493 (Specifications for fire safety), and 15494 (Product safety labels).

​​​​​​​Annually, we report to the local environment authorities and also to the Swedish Chemicals Agency according to Regulations (SFS 2008:245) and (KIFS 2017:7) regarding chemical products.

Systematically, we work with environmental and work environmental issues like energy use, handling of garbarge, fire prevention, safety for workers, equality and discrimination, and also issues regarding business ethics and participation in the workplace. Please read more in our Sustainability report or policies (only in Swedish) . 

As a target for scope 1 and 2 we, since many years, work towards net-zero climate emissions in our own operations by 2030. We have already come far (see our sustainability report) by buying renewable electricity, exchange of oil to electricity and so on. Right now, we are investigating the effects of exchanging the last few percents of fossil oil in our production with biofuels and/or solar panels. 

As a target for scope 3 we are for now focusing on downstream transportation emissions through Schenker, who are steadily working at reducing climate emissions by 20% by 2030. We have already made a considerable conversion by going from paraffin based candle raw material to renewable stearic acid. 

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​​​​​​Delsbo Candle is highly engaged in environmental matters. In 2008, in cooperation with the Nordic Ecolabel, we created the first ecolabelled candles in the world. See criteria here. This was a very educative process where we understood the width of the problem with palm oil. The experts at Nordic Ecolabel explained to us that the certification available for palm oil (RSPO) is not watertight since there are large sums of money involved in the business. The work for sustainable palm oil is developing, but at Delsbo Candle we are still not convinced that it is possible to fully guarantee the origin of the palm oil. Since we defend the rainforest and its inhabitants we, in cooperation with our stearic acid supplier AAK (Aarhus Karlshamn), choose to only use fat from slaughterhouse waste as raw material for the stearin that we use in our candles. 

The candles consist almost fully of stearin, which is a socalled renewable material, but due to technical reasons we still need to use a small amount of paraffin to our pigmented candles. We are actively working for a paraffin free solution though. 

At Delsbo Candle we have a long tradition of staff influence. For instance, the staff place their own work schedule. Already in the 1980´s we paid attention to the equality issue when we systematically removed the fact that men handled our machines and the women did the packaging of candles. Since then, anybody - regardless of gender - perform all tasks in our production. This may be obvious today but at that time it was quite revolutionary. At Delsbo Candle all employees have responsibility as well as authority to make decisions in the operations. 


Fredriksfors 19
824 27 Delsbo

+46 653 231 50
+46 653 231 63